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Hieronder vind je een overzicht van de lessen en prijzen van de studio in Antwerpen.
Priveelessen en workshops kan je hier aanvragen.
Je betaalt per keer dat je binnenkomt.
Start je bv. donderdagavond om 19u en doe je mee tot 22:30u , telt dit maar voor 1 keer.
Doe je enkel stretching dinsdag, betaal je ook voor 1x.
Online lessen tellen ook voor 1x
Ben je met 2 van hetzelfde gezin, betaal je studentenprijs!
For yoga we use the traditional way of Dakshina.
This is an Indian Vedic Ashram Tradition unknown or misunderstood in the west and around the world. Dakshina could be translated into loving offering made to the teacher.
Traditionally, one gives according to his capacity, and according to the value which is given to the event. We leave the choice up to you. Our intention is to stay away from commercialising Spiritual Diksha (initiation), because the energy and practices can only be transmitted from an open heart to another open heart, it’s not something you can simply buy and go home with.
If you are uncertain or want to discuss any personal financial issues and solutions , you can contact Sigurd. +32477729062
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